Watch Princess Ka'iulani online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Princess Ka'iulani movie online for free. The film Princess Ka'iulani has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this cinema online. Watch this on the blog. Lush scenery and gorgeous photography highlight this bio of Princess Ka'iulani (Q'Orianka Kilcher), a 19th-century Hawaiian princess raised in England but determined to maintain her people's independence from aggressive American businessmen. After being sent to England as a child by her Scottish father, Ka'iulani returns to Hawaii and becomes a political activist who fights to retain her throne, even though she must leave her English paramour.

Year: 2010
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 130 minutes
Release Date: 2010-05-14
Actors : Q'orianka Kilcher, Barry Pepper, Will Patton, Jimmy Yuill, Shaun Evans