Watch The Honour of the Tribe online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch The Honour of the Tribe film online for free. The cinema The Honour of the Tribe has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the web. Though this is billed as a combination drama and comedy, but the storyline gives no clue as to the humorous elements of this Algerian picture. In the story, a brother and his sister are orphaned when their father accepts a challenge to fight a trained bear and is killed by it. Two decades later, the Algerian war of independence is underway. The siblings have had an incestuous relationship, but the sister falls in love with a French officer in charge of their village, and the brother leaves for parts unknown. After the war is over, the brother returns to his village, only to discover that his sister did in childbirth. He has brought back a Russian wife, and for some reason the villagers elect him to be their mayor.

Year: 1993
Genre :
Release Date: 1993-01-02
Actors :